Interest on Costs

The Court of Appeal has now ruled in the case of Simcoe -v-Jacuzzi

Summed up with the concluding remark at Paragraph 51 of the Master of the Rolls:

As it is, for the reasons given in this judgment, I would allow the claimant’s appeal, and hold that interest on the costs runs from the incipitur date, on the ground that (i) CPR 40.8 does not apply as it is ineffective in the County Court, so that article 2 of the 1991 Order still applies, and it mandates the incipitur rule, or (ii) if CPR 40.8 does apply, its effect is that interest runs from the incipitur date as a general rule, and the fact that the claimant’s solicitors are acting under a CFA does not justify departing from that rule.

For the full judgment :