Gary Knight

Costs budgets

Costs Budgets continue to raise matters requiring appeals to provide guidance if not answers; Gary Knight looks at a case in which the Claimant experienced difficulties in addressing the Judge at the CCMC as to the content of the Defendant’s Costs Budget and took umbrage with the manner adopted by the Judge.

MR JUSTICE KERR (sitting with Judge Brown, assessor appointed under Part 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998) was required to consider an appeal against a decision of Her Honour Judge Baucher, sitting in the Central London County Court, to approve the amount of the costs budget of the appellant, the claimant in a personal injury action against the respondent, the defendant to the action.

The trial had been fixed for two days in July 2024 and in her order, the Judge had approved the amount of the Claimant’s estimated costs to £26,225.00 having concluded that Claimant’s budget appeared disproportionate.

There were two grounds to the appeal.

Click here for the rest of Gary’s analysis including the Judge’s remedy.